American helps businesses small and large to find and implement solutions for their business. Their services include promotional products, eCommerce and marketing solutions.
The biggest challenge we faced before Daylite was not having a way to keep up. When we found a solution for a company it was great from the time the customer placed the order, but there were no tools in place for me to keep up with the customer until the order was placed. Once it was invoiced I could track it but up until that point I couldn’t.
Daylite makes everything so much easier to find. It organizes everything together for each customer. There’s a lifecycle for an order. Daylite keeps the whole lifecycle in one place where I can find it, whether I am in the office or in my car. It seamlessly syncs with my mobile devices and computers which is unbelievably helpful.
I was referred to by another sales rep in North Carolina. We were using another product and when we started our own group of Mac users I tried out Daylite. It’s easy enough. You can pretty much figure it out just like a Mac. I figured it out on my own mostly. Carolyn from Marketcircle answered any questions I had and was very nice and prompt with a reply. The user guide and tutorial videos were helpful as well. We made the decision within 15 days of the trial run that we wanted to use Daylite. I’ve hired an assistant so we can team sell together. With Daylite we can see each other’s items. Behind the scenes my team member can be me and I can be her to help each other out.
Daylite Mail Assistant is the best function because I do almost everything by e-mail or phone and now I can attach the correspondence to the project I’m working on. I also like that I can add so many things on the fly. I add keywords with the P.O number and link it to my customer’s name and vendor name for whatever item I’m ordering and I can put the date in for forecasting so I know when I need to order again. Before Daylite I had to do that manually or write a report in Excel and pick things off a report, which wasn’t fun!
It gives me an accurate view that is easy to access and see where I’m at with that goal instead of having to run a report in our other software. With Daylite I can control what goes in there. I can enter in an order and forecast when I’ll need to reorder, include the cost, how many I ordered, and any problems I had.